Centers of Vocational Excellence

The Agrifood4future project aims to innovate in the VET ecosystem in agri-food by establishing a network of CoVEs actives in 6 European countries (Italy, Spain, France, Portugal, Greece, and Belgium). Would you like to join the AgriFood4Future CoVEs? Use the contact form to apply!

What is a CoVE?

In the Agrifood4future project, a CoVE (Center of Vocational Excellence) is an agrifood network territorially-anchored (in this case, regions in the same country that share similar problems) consortium that can share, create and disseminate educational contents and tools to improve skills across the value chain. The CoVE will include key stakeholders from the agri-food sector such as Industry representatives, VET providers, Higher Education, Public institutions and Farmers associations.
1 / 3 The network will identify, design and implement innovative solutions to enhance the quality of the VET programmes throughout Europe, while reinforcing the cooperation between VET providers, business representatives and research identities.
2 / 3 Create permanent support for entrepreneurs and business active in smart farming and sustainable food chain.
3 / 3 The Transnational Working Groups (TWG) will foster expert networks to develop innovative solutions for agriculture and food challenges through collaboration and knowledge exchange.

CoVEs members

Activities of the CoVEs

Join us!

Would you like to join the CoVE in your country? Don't wait any longer, contact us now and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.

    (All fields marked with * are mandatory)