Public deliverables

WP1 - Project management and coordination

The deliverables of Work Package 1 are not public, and will therefore not be published on the website.

WP2 - Skills needs assessment & preparatory work: state-of-the-art & knowledge base

D2.1 (Report on the job and training needs analysis)

This document summarizes the methodology used by the AF4F project to identify and understand gaps within Vocational Education and Training (VET) ecosystems. Additionally, it lays the foundation for customized training programs aimed at addressing identified needs, establishing a strong connection between education and the changing demands of the agri-food sector.

D2.2 (Finding report on the state-of-the-art and knowledge)

This report provides a foundational step toward achieving AF4F’s goals, organized around its four pillars: Digital Transition, Green Transition, Resilient and Sustainable Food Systems, and Business/Financial Sustainability & Resource Valorization.

D2.3 (Handbook with Best Practices in the VET and Higher Education Ecosystems in the Agrifood Sector)

The Deliverable 2.3, the “Handbook with Best Practices in the VET and Higher Education Ecosystems in the Agrifood Sector” for the Agrifood4Future (AF4F) project, synthesizes key findings from a comprehensive survey involving 37 experts across six EU countries—Portugal, Spain, France, Belgium, Italy, Greece—and includes international perspectives from India and Georgia. This initiative seeks to modernize and enhance Vocational Education and Training (VET) and Higher Education curricula to meet the digital, decarbonization, and sustainability needs of the agrifood sector.

WP3 - Cooperation, networking and partnership building

More information coming soon

WP4 - Development of innovative teaching and training programmes in smart farming and sustainable food systems

More information coming soon

WP5 - Governance, funding and sustainability post-project

More information coming soon

WP6 - Dissemination, follow-up and VET promotion towards excellence

More information coming soon