About event

AgriFood4Future Semester Exchange


The AgriFood4Future offers undergraduate and master’s students the possibility to participate in a joint Semester Exchange between the Universities part of the consortium benefiting from a Erasmus+ grant.


Bachelor and Master Students of the Consortium Universities.


To have the opportunity to enrich one’s academic journey with a study abroad experience. During the courses, structured across two curricula “New Sustainable Practices” and “Business sustainability & valorization of resources”, the necessary skills will be provided to tackle the challenges that the agri-food sector will face in the future. Each curriculum includes an internship to put into practice what has been learned in the classroom.


Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Italy,  AgroParisTech in France, University of Porto in Portugal and VIVES in Belgium.


Each university has its own internal rules for applications. Find yours below:

  1. Students from Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore 
    1. Eligible students: 
      1. Students LT-26 (including Food Production Management) at the University of Applied Science (VIVEs), Belgium
      2. Students  LM-69 (SVE and ASP) at the University of Porto in Portugal and AgroParisTech in France
    2. More information
    3. Additional information for application (FOR UNIVERSITA CATTOLICA DEL SACRO CUORE students)
  2.  Students from the University of Porto
    1. Eligible students: Master students (from Master in Agricultural Engineering, U.PORTO) at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, in Italy and AgroParisTech, in France.
    2. More information
    3. Application website/form in the University webpage
    4. (If you are an AgroParisTech student, you can use your login details. Otherwise, please contact Sophie Carton)
  3. Students from AgroParisTech
    1. Eligible students: students in 2nd year of engineering program at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, in Italy and at the University of Porto in Portugal
    2. More information
    3. Application website/form in the University webpage (If you are an AgroParisTech student, you can use your login details. Otherwise, please contact Sophie Carton)
    4. Other general information (If you are an AgroParisTech student, you can use your login details. Otherwise, please contact Sophie Carton)
  4. Students from VIVES – University of Applied Science
    1. Eligible students: Vives students (bachelor agro and biotechnology – food technology and agro-industry) to Univeristà Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Italy
    2. More information
    3. Application website/form in the University webpage (program will be adapted accordingly)
    4. Additional information or links: 
      1. For application procedure